Designing Data Intensive Applications in Elixir with Flow
Product information
Intermediate, Advanced
As lead consultant at the digital product agency firm DevDuo Inc for the last four years, I have been involved intimately in every aspect of mobile, web, and product and development.
Talk Description
Designing Data-Intensive Applications in Elixir with Flow. Correctness, data integrity, and good performance in distributed systems are always a game of tradeoffs. But what if we could have it all with Elixir? Batch processing and event streaming in Flow eliminates data integration problems by “flowing” data changes between different systems. It allows us to unbound our distributed databases and maintain correctness across our cluster. It also performs extremely well. In this talk, we’ll explore how to leverage these powers in Flow using practical examples while also drawing from renowned resources in the system design, such as “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann, to tie it all together. Audience members will leave with an understanding of when and how to use Flow, and how to start thinking about solving their data-intensive problems in new, optimized ways.